Omicron Consulting never stops!

Omicron Consulting increases its commitment to research and innovation by comparing itself with the bright young minds of our universities, to build the future together.

This year, in fact, it is pleased to participate in the 17th edition of STAGE.IT: digital and high-tech skills for a new start. A different version than usual because it is organised electronically.

STAGE.IT is an initiative promoted by the Innovative and Technological Services Group of Assindustria Venetocentro in collaboration with the University of Padua, which aims to facilitate talent scouting through meetings between companies and students, encouraging an opportunity to get to know each other.

The innovative and digital services companies of Assindustria Venetocentro – says the President, Ruggero Targhetta – by not postponing the date of STAGE.IT, want to send a strong signal: the emergency linked to Covid-19 changes our habits, the way we live and work, but it must not stop us. Above all, it has made us experience first-hand the advantages of digital networks and skills and the urgent need for a “cultural leap”, as well as a technological and investment leap, in businesses and society to make the most of the opportunities offered by enabling technologies. Hence the need to look to the future, beyond the emergency.”

The event allows companies from all sectors to propose to students some innovative projects in the ICT field and offers students the opportunity to start an internship experience related to the chosen project.

There will be 101 internship projects offered this year by 49 companies from Padua, Treviso and other provinces to over 130 students and undergraduates from the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Statistics. Each company will provide an exclusive communication channel – whatsapp, skype, messanger, slack and others – to connect with the candidates who will be able to talk to the company representatives of the individual projects, to be carried out remotely in the coming weeks.

The innovative project that Omicron Consulting proposes for 2020, “Advanced Logistics”, concerns the management, through IOT (Internet of Things) and microservices architecture, of real estate, company assets and human resources, for the optimisation of mobility within buildings.